Wow. It is already January 11, and honestly the first week of the new year I was slowly ringing in the new year. I was getting rested from a crazy last half of 2015, taking time to access my goals for 2016, and being a hermit working on refreshing my website.
Today I decided I should get back to my blog. So for the next 2 weeks, I will write daily to keep me accountable, and to help me get acclimated to my new wonderful life changes in: home, family, work, community, and fitness. Note: I recently got married, became a ‘bonus mom’, moved away from my condo in the city, my running park, yoga studios, restaurants, art community, full-time job and my friends to my new family, home in the country and to get back on track with my freelance career and my gift company and my new life. So… I have established some categories to… try new things, share discoveries, and to be more productive.
Health and Fitness
- I started taping this show when I first moved knowing yoga classes would not be as available, and now I am rockin’ some yoga. Check it out.
- Found a recipe for non-dairy, all-natural chocolate raspberry mousse.
Family and Home
- Organized with my husband today. Family ski clothes and kitchen drawers. Keeping track of what is needed and not-needed before spending and then purging, donating and recycling. Planning a ski trip? Click here for packing list.
Career and Education
- Got materials to make my own photography studio to shoot thehugbox products and portfolio pieces.
- Joined my husband this past weekend for his ‘Walk to Emmaus’ Gathering. Met some wonderful people.
- Church on Sunday. Always a great message.
and just plain Fun
- Played ball and took a slow easy jog with our black lab. That makes us smile. Note: This picture was taken while he was waiting patiently to go play.